1 km of dual highway costs as much as 333 tons of sausage

Having learnt that 425 thousand square kilometres of road holes has been repaired since the beginning of the year, Euroradio has decided to find out how much it costs to remove one hole.

We have asked this question to “Belarusian Road Repair”.
“Depending on the technology, hole removal costs from 33 to 60 thousand roubles for one square kilometre”, - said Katsyaryna Hryb, the deputy head of the press service of “Belarusian Road Repair”.
425 thousand square kilometres is 65 football pitches! Even if you take the minimal cost of removal, it turns out that 14 billion roubles has been asphalted.  It would be enough to buy 23 bottles of Hennessy Cognac or 1.5 tons of caviar. Would the caviar be enough to cover all those holes?
Building highway costs even more – 5 billion roubles per one square kilometre.

“Building a dual highway would cost 5 billion roubles per one square kilometre. A dual-dual highway would cost 22 billion roubles per a square kilometre”.

Every metre of new roads costs 5 million roubles. You can buy 33 kilos of sausages or a ton of potatoes with this money.

Building a new highway or removing holes in Minsk costs twice as much.

“That’s about 80 thousand Belarusian roubles”, - an employee of “City Road Repair” has informed about the cost of removal of one hole. A new highway costs 60 or 70 thousands more than repairs.
“About 140 or 150 thousand per one square metre. That’s an approximate price - it was set at the begging of the year”, - said the employee of “City Road Repair”.

You would have to contact the chief engineer of your housing and communal services department to repair a road near your porch.

 “They are busy asphalting all the time. Contact them and the problem will be solved soon”, - a dispatcher from the housing and communal services assured us.
Photo by: kopyl.by