Varsovians congratulate Belarusians on Freedom Day

Two big 2.5x3 m postcards instead of one appeared near the entrance. Everyone could write their greetings and wishes on them. Organizers wanted to demonstrate the solidarity of other people’s with the Belarusians who will come out to Minsk and other cities’ streets to celebrate the Independence Day of the BPR on March 25. The first postcard is addressed to such people. The second one is dedicated to the Belarusian authorities. One of the action’s organizers, a Belarusian Victoria Hakimava, has promised to send it to the Belarusian Embassy to Warsaw.

Victoria Hakimava: “The “Free Belarus” initiative would like to congratulate all Belarusians and all people interested in the Belarusian history, culture and civil life on the Freedom Day – the real Belarusian Independence Day. We want to say that Poles and the whole world express solidarity with you and that we remember what the day means. We are glad it is happening in Poland, the country that always supports its Belarusian friends”.

A representative of the Belarusian Embassy to Warsaw also arrived to look at the postcard made for Belarusians; however, he refused to give any official comments. At the same time, he thanked Belsat journalists for their greetings on the Freedom Day.
The painting of festive postcards turned into a real international action several hours later as tourists and students from North Korea, Sweden, Kazakhstan and Ukraine as well as Belarusians living in Warsaw joined it.
Radek, a Polish student: “I would like to ask the Belarusian authorities to open their country to Europe, it does not bite!”

Dasha, a student from Kazakhstan: “I want to say that there should be peace all over the world. Kazakhs always support the Belarusian people”.
Victoria, a Belarusian: “I congratulate everyone on the holiday and hope that we will be able to celebrate it in our square in Minsk some day”.

Thus, congratulations in different languages, paintings and even hieroglyphs appeared in the postcards. Polish policemen who watched the happening in a police car also joined the greetings.
Policemen: “We are sending greetings to Belarusians and wish them only happy days!”

However, they refused to join the process of painting and have their pictures taken: “Sorry, we are at work”.
ERB has also left a trace in the postcards.
The whole postcard for Belarusians:
The whole postcard for Belarusians:
Author’s photo