Vandals spoil paintings in Minsk Horky Park (photo)

Vandals have spoilt most of the reproductions from the project ‘Living paintings’ created by Andrei Smalyak. About 90% of the painting displayed in Horky Park were damaged, Minsk News reports.

The exposition started in May 2014. Andrei Smalyak drew well-known Belarusians as characters of famous writer’s books. He drew Maksim Mirny and his family, Alesya, Ina Afanasiyeva, Larysa Hrybalyova, Natallya Pyatkevich and other people.

By the way, it was not the first attack on the exposition. Vandals spoilt four paintings in August 2014 – Blue Eyes, Little Sparrow, Flutist and After Ball.
