Ukraine-EU Association Agreement not to be signed due to Yanukovych

"The result is that the Agreement won't be signed as the position of the Ukrainian side hasn't changed. We are ready to discuss this issue, we suggested many variants, but the President of Ukraine insists on his position," quotes the Lithuanian diplomat.

Linas Linkevičius also informed they discussed the three-sided negotiations in the Ukraine-EU-Russia format in the beginning of the summit. However, the European Union made it clear that "such way is unacceptable". The third party cannot participate in the processes that are covered by the competence of bilateral negotiations, where the third party has no powers.

Speaking about the further development of relations between Ukraine and the EU, the Lithuanian official noted: "Ukraine still has the ball - everything depends on them. Our offer stays on the table, and we will get back to this issue as soon as the Ukrainian side is ready."

He did not exclude that the Ukraine-EU summit in March would become another opportunity to sign the Association Agreement.

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