Traffic at Belarusian-Polish border is restored

Polish transporters raised the blockade at check-points of the Belarusian-Polish border on the evening of December 5. There are no queues any more, informed the head of the press centre of the State Border Committee Alyaksandr Tsishchanka in an interview with BelaPAN. According to A.Tsishchanka, the situation at the border did not become critical thanks to the measures taken by Poland and Belarus, in particular, the redirection of traffic to the Belarusian-Lithuanian border.
Let us remind you that traffic was blocked at the check-point “Kuznya Belatotskaya-Brizhi” (Hrodna direction) from 11.30 a.m. and at “Kukuryki-Kazlovichy” (Brest direction)– from 12 p.m. on December 5 due to a strike of Polish transporters expressing their protest against innovations in the customs sphere.