Trial against Syarhej Kavalenka to be resumed in Vitsebsk today

The trial against Vitsebsk activist of the Conservative Christian Party of the BPF should start at 14.00. After yesterday's medical examination the judge decided to postpone the trial in order to conduct another medical examination of the political prisoner.

Let us remind you, Syarhej Kavalenka is accused of breaking the regime of the so-called "forcible hard labour at home". He got the previous conviction for hoisting a white-red-white flag on the biggest Christmas tree in Vitsebsk.

Trials against Pavel Sitnik, Uladzimir Yaromenak, Raman Vasilieu, Zmitser Kramyanetski and Mikhail Muski will start at 11 a.m. in Vitsebsk. The activists were detained on their way to Kavalenka's trial. Charges for alleged bad swearing in public were made against them.