Three arrested opposition acitvists are on hunger strike in Homel

This has been informed by BelaPAN with a reference to the former cell-mate of one of the arrestees, who has just been released. According to him, the opposition activists only drink water and juices which their friends pass to them.

Representatives of the pre-trial detention center confirmed that Zhukouski was on hunger-strike, but refused to give any information about the rest.

Shauchenka was arrested on September 17 for dissemination of the information about the upcoming "silent action". The court sentenced him to 15 days of detention. Tsianiuta was sentenced to 10 days of detention for dissemination of the information about the People's Assembly. Zhukouski was arrested just before the "silent action" on September 21 and sentenced to 15 days of detention despite the fact that his leg was broken during the arrest procedure.