Melyantsou: EU Ambassadors may return before parliamentary election

Euroradio has asked political scientist Dzyanis Melyantsou when Belarus-EU crisis is going to end. It has gained a new impulse after the withdrawal of the EU Ambassadors back to their capitals for consultations. In the expert’s opinion, the relations may improve and the Ambassadors may return after the official Minsk fulfills the demands of the EU. In particular, when it releases political prisoners. The expert thinks that the Belarusian authorities may do it before the parliamentary election.

Melyantsou: “The Belarusian parliamentary election may hasten the end of the crisis. Judging by the practical experience, Belarus’ relations with the West usually improve before election campaigns”.

Let us remind you that the parliamentary election will take place in Belarus at the beginning of autumn. A number of Belarusian opposition forces have already claimed that they are going to boycott it.