Belarus plans 1000EUR fines for drunk drivers


The Prosecutor General's Office has elaborated proposals to strengthen the penalties for drunk drivers. They will not confiscate the cars from those who broke the law for the first time, spokesman for the Prosecutor General Pyotr Kisyalyou has told Euroradio.

Pyotr Kisyalyou: "The fines will increase: it used to be 15 to 35 base fees for drunk driving, but now will be 50 to 100 base fees. Plus the driving ban, of course. As for the car, the traffic police are authorized to drive it to the impound lot. They will not return the car until the fine is paid”.

However, if the drunk driver is detained repeatedly within a year, it’s time for the worst to happen. This is not an administrative, but a criminal offense.

Pyotr Kisyalyou: "It is proposed to increase the penalty to 3 years in prison – this is the strictest penalty ever (at present, the term of imprisonment is up to two years – Euroradio), and confiscation of the car, no matter who owns it."

If a drunk driver causes serious injury or kills one person, it is proposed to increase the maximum term of imprisonment from 5 to 7 years. If two or more persons are killed in a car accident, the penalty is increased to 10 years. Everything includes confiscation of cars.