Davydzka on Minister of Culture position: I would not congratulate on that

Nearly a week has passed since the dismissal of Pavel Latushka, and it is still unknown who will head the Ministry of Culture. However, there have been rumours about the "most perspective candidates". Euroradio decided to check the information.

They don't know who will be their new boss even in the very Ministry of Culture. At least, Deputy Minister Tadeusz Struzhetski assures Euroradio of this. 

Tadeusz Struzhetski: "I hope it will be an experienced person. Of course it makes us sad to say goodbye to the current or yesterday's Minister as these years have really been very fruitful in terms of realization of interesting projects. Still, naturally, the Ministry of Culture will preserve as a state governing body, and the specialists who work there will stay".

He adds he hopes that the new man or woman would not change the total course. Even if this person comes from the outside. The main thing is that the new boss should be experienced in the Belarusian culture, the Deputy Minister says.

One of the most likely contenders for the position of a "cultural" boss is said to be the former actor of Kupala theater, ex-member of parliament and current leader of the Belarusian State TV and Radio Company Henadz Davydzka. He does not see such variant of a continuation of his career as probabl

Henadz Davydzka: "Where did you get such rumours from? If there is such gossip, let it be so, don't congratulate me. Moreover, I would not congratulate anyone on a position like that".

He even says there have been no suggestions of this kind. Meanwhile, the rumours claim that his colleagues from BT even organized a farewell party for their boss.

The Russian newspaper Gazeta.ru still assures that the most likely candidate for the Minister of Culture is "one of the chief ideologists of the Belarusian authorities, editor-in-chief of the Belaruskaya Dumka magazine Vadzim Hihin. When we asked the "chief ideologist" directly, he even got confused .

Vadzim Hihin: "Is it April 1st today? This clearly shows that they know as little about the CIS affairs in Moscow as before. What can I say? They know nothing about what is happening in Minsk, and may be this is for the better".

Still, Vadzim Hihin refuses to tell whether there have been suggestions that he should become the Minister of Culture.

The third most possible candidate is claimed to be rector of the Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts Barys Svyatlou. The rector is a person who is highly difficult to find - according to his secretary, he's been at all kinds of consultations, meetings etc. for several days in a row. Nevertheless, his subordinates state they heard nothing about his possible departure and did not say goodbye to him non-officially. 

Nevertheless, these are not all the candidates for the position of the Minister of Culture. There are still many generals in the country.

Photo: Zmicier Lukashuk, http://bymedia.net, vetka.by, http://www.buk.by/