Belarusian KGB bombards Polish mass media with diplomatic fakes

According to the Polish “Gazeta Wyborcza”, employees of the Polish Consulate in Hrodna decided to burn old documents in a boiler-house behind the Consulate on January 2011. Belarusian policemen and KGB members burst into the house. They accused the Poles of contaminating the environment. The Belarusian security services managed to confiscate some of the documents. Anna Nowakowska, Polish Consul General in Hrodna, has confirmed it.

Originals have been mixed with fakes to make them look true. The first lot of fakes was sent to Polish mass media in March and the second one arrived a few days ago.

The documents sent in March said that Poland financed street action in Belarus. The new documents are directed against Andrzej Pachobut, journalist of “Gazeta Wyborcza”.

The Belarusian security services seem to have been able to hack the e-mail system of Polish representative offices or the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The fact that information from Brest Consulate and the Embassy to Minsk is in the sent documents testifies to it. In particular, there are old questionnaires and information on scholarship for Belarusian Poles. 


The whole article from “Gazeta Wyborcza” coming soon on our website.