Newspaper Novy Chas among the first to receive warning from the state

The Information Ministry warned non-governmental weekly Novy Chas. According to the chief editor Alyaksei Karol, they received the warning from the Ministry of Information by registered mail. It was delivered for the first on March 3, but in there was no one to get it so no one knew about it. It was only on March 9 that Alyaksei Karol went to the post office and got the letter with a warning.

Karol: "We did not know that we already received a warning when we read about it iddued to other periodicals. We checked if we have the "mistake" for which others had been warned: we, too, used RB [in the output sata]. We think we got away with it that time but we didn't. We fixed the data."

As it turned out, it was too late. According to Alyaksei Karol, they don't consider the received warning from the Ministry of information a tragedy. Earlier, the Novy Chas was warned four times a year.

In the early March, the newspapers Intex-Press from Baranavichy and Gantsevitski Chas received a warning. A written warning was also issued to the editorial office of the Gazeta Slonimskaya. The socio-political weekly Borisovskiye Novosti and Reklamny Borjomi also received warnings. The reason for the warnings was the use of RB instead of Republic of Belarus in the output data of the periodicals.
