Education code,amnesty bill not on parliament's agenda during session

On April 2, the deputies of the House of Representatives will gather for the spring session. They will first have to set their agenda. Iryna Ksavets, from the parliament's public information and analysis office, told the European Radio for Belarus that 32 legislation drafts are mentioned on the draft agenda of the fourth session. They will have to be considered within three months of the parliament's work before the break.

Likely, this number could increase. The European Radio for Belarus learned that 50 legislation drafts are currently at the permanent commission, including 18 legislations already reviewed by lawmakers in the first reading. Last year, MPs considered 58 legislations, and 110 in 2008.

Philip Bogush, a member of the Agrarian Policy Commission, explains the drop in the number of drafts that lawmakers have begun to pay more attenton to the quality of the laws passed. He said: "The head of the state demands that the law are of a better quality. Therefore, we study more in detail every clause, every paragrpah and we try to weigh every word. So we spend more time on drafting and revising those legislations".

Out of 50 legislations currently in the permanent commission, there is only one in the Belarusian language. This is the draft law on ratifying the Agreement betweeb Belarus and Ukraine on the state border.