CEC dismisses complaint of Tatsiana Karatkevich

ЦВК не задаволіў скаргу Таццяны Караткевіч

On October 16, the Central Election Commission of Belarus dismissed the complaint of Tatsiana Karatkevich. Ex-presidential candidate asked it to recognize the results of presidential elections in Belarus invalid. Attention was drawn to the fact that there had been gross and systematic violations of the law and the electoral code. They were recorded by observers.

Here is what Ihar Lyalkou, representative of Tatsiana Karatkevich and a member of the Central Executive Committee in an advisory capacity, told Euroradio:

"The meeting was predictable. And so were its results. It was held on the pre-arranged scenario. After my speech about validity of the complaint, the heads of all the regional committees and the Minsk City Commission spoke telling how wonderful the election was conducted at their sites and how the results there correspond to what most observers saw."

On Friday, the Central Election Commission of Belarus approved the election results.

Photo: BELTA