Belarusian Council of Minister receives freeloaders tax bill

The project of the decree on employment stimulation (better known as the freeloaders tax) has been sent to the government. The Council of Ministers will discuss it with ‘other state bodies’, head of the tax department of the Ministry of Taxation Mihail Rasolka said. Then the bill will be presented to Alyaksandr Lukashenka.

The aim of the innovation is to make able-bodied citizens who do not work or have some shadow income get official jobs and pay taxes. The document will denote what categories of people will be considered ‘freeloaders’. Handicapped people and parents of small children will not be considered freeloaders, BELTA reports.

The document ‘is in its final stage’ and will be sent to the President soon, deputy PM Natallya Kachanava claimed not long ago. However, it seems that the document still needs to be finalized.

Photo: Fotolia