Zyanon Paznyak: Ihar Korsak, a relative of our party member, is detained

A 34-year-old Ihar Korsak has been detained by the police because of being suspected of “a villainous hooliganism” during the concert on July 4. He has never been a member of the Conservative Christian Party BNF. Its head Zyanon Paznyak has informed ERB about it. Let us remind you that Radio Liberty has informed about the detention of Ihar Korsak today. A pack with screw-nuts and bolts was found in his flat. Ihar Korsak only managed to phone and say that he was suspected of having made a blasting assembly.

Information about Korsak’s “connection with CCP-BNF” appeared. This is what Zyanon Paznyak says:

"Yes, he is a relative of one of our party members”.

Paznyak thinks that there is nothing new about the things that are taking place in Belarus:

"There is nothing new about it. It is a usual operation organized by special police troops. They will continue looking for screw-nuts, bolts, laundry detergent or something else. Of course, they will be searching the flats of people having relatives in the opposition, Paznyak’s or someone else’s relatives”.

Zyanon Paznyak is sure that the most important thing is to provide people with impartial information about the recent events:

"They want to scare people so that they would not bother with the elections but fool about. They “pin accusations” upon people and are busy with “witch-hunt”. It is a typical activity of all regimes especially of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs".

The leader of the CCP-BNF thinks that we are witnessing the realization of “a prepared operation”.
"It was prepared by those who are in power”,  - says Zyanon Paznyak. – It was done in order to distract people from the elections and conduct them as they like. It is their style”.

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