Youth activist gets a Br105K fine

Alyaksei Yanusheuski, a pro-democracy youth activist, today was fined by a court in Polatsk to three base rates (Br105,000), reports Belapan. He was found guilty of violating procedures for the organization of mass events under Article 23.34 in the Administrative Code of Belarus. Yanusheuski was detained on April 8 near the building of the city court where Kasya Salauyova, a youth activist, was standing trial for taking part in the unregistered organization, Youth Front. Several dozens of youngsteres were shouting "Kasya! We Are With You!" and "We Believe! We Are Able! We Will Win!" to express solidarity with the fellow member of the youth group. Police officers tried to disperse the action, but the young people held their hands tight, sitting on the ground. Yanusheuski only was arrested, while the rest managed to run away.

Apart from Yanusheuski, another youth activist Lyudmila Atakulava appeared in court today. She was detained in a car on the way out of Polatsk. The passengers were freed after the ID check, but the girl faced the same charges like Yanusheuski. She had to spend a night in police custody in the city of Navapolatsk.