Was fight between anarchists and neo-Nazis started by strangers?

An activist of an unregistered organization “Belaya Vola” informed ERB that some people he had seen for the first time asked for permission to join the column of the so-called neo-Nazis: “They kept raising their hands in a Nazi greeting, shouted out strange slogans and tried to get in a fight with anarchists. So we kept pushing them out of the column”.
Anarchists and right ultras also took part in the European March of the opposition but there were no clashes back then. Why did a fight start in front of BT’s cameras on Sunday? ERB talked to participants of the fight at the Social March and found out that it had been provoked by strangers.

A representative of an unregistered organization “Autonomous action” says that neo-Nazis’ slogans irritated anarchists:

An anarchist: We joined the meeting to express out protest against the cancellation of benefits. “Belaya Vola” was following us. They kept shouting out stupid slogans like “Live Russia!”. We did not endure it and responded with the slogan “Antifa”. Most of them were simply standing and shouting. But there were several people who stepped forward and said: “Come here. Let’s settle it”. Those were instigators who could be seen in the film “Square”.

A representative of the neo-Nazi organization explained ERB that the fight had been started by strangers who joined the column of the right ultras:

A neo-Nazi: 50 our people arrived at the march. Our slogans were “No to benefits cancellation”, “No to contract system”, “Will. Nation. Motherland” and “Government for the people”. Some strange people I had seen for the first time arrived and asked for permission to join us. Some of them behaved in an inadequate way. They kept raising their hands in a Nazi greeting, shouted out strange slogans and tried to get in a fight with anarchists. It seemed they had come simply to start a fight so we kept pushing them out of the column.

According to the participants of the fight, it started all of a sudden. And it ended quickly.

Anarchist: Police buses appeared so we disappeared in yards.

A neo-Nazi: When special police troops appeared we decided to leave the manifestation and hid in yards.

One of the organizers of the Social March, the deputy head of BNF Yury Hadyka is sure: if the organizers of the fight have not been detained by the police who kept detaining BNF activists and Valery Uhnaleu then the fight can be considered a provocation.

Hadyka: It was either a provocation planned by KGB or the inexperience of young people who do not like each other which led to a clash between the two groups. It was certainly done to discredit the opposition.