Russia seeks to refuse from Belarusian and Ukrainian salt

The Russian Agricultural Inspectorate has asked retail shops not to sell Belarusian and Ukrainian salt in some regions, Kommersant reports. 56% of the Russian salt market belongs to Belarus and Ukraine. Local companies are ready to replace them as they are only working at 60% of their capacity now. No recommendations of the kind have been given on the federal level.

Belarusian and Ukrainian salt does not correspond to Russian nutrition norms, the Russian Agricultural Inspectorate revealed during check-ups.

Imported salt occupies 59% of the Russian salt market. Ukraine (Artyomsol – 23.9% of the market, Slavyanskaya Sol – 2.3%) and Belarus (Mazyrsol – 29.1%, Belkali – 0.5%) are the main importers. Russian producers occupy 41% of the market.

By the way, rumours about the disappearance of Ukrainian salt in Russia in 2006 were enough for its price to go up by 10 times. However, Russia is able to replace imported salt now, experts say.
