White-headed calves given to neighbours in order not to spoil herd's look?

The state leader is to visit Pastavy district in the near future, in particular, the farm "Volakhi", which belongs to the "Khatsily-Agro JSC", located in Yareuski rural council. Local officials consider this visit as an exam and ordered to destroy flies, bad smell, and clean the cows' tails and hooves in order to pass it.

Chairman of Pastavy district executive committee Victar Hutarau has compiled a whole "Protocol of orders aimed at preparation of Pastavy district's objects to the President's visit". There are 163 orders in it. Administration of the "Volakhi" farm got the most - 41 for 4 days. According to the farm's director Aliaksandr Adamkovich, they decorated the territory in the set terms.

Shop assistant: “I would not like to say anything bad - we are getting prepared. We have enough goods, everything is in order, we've painted everything. We mowed the grass, watered the flowers. All the owners mowed grass in their yards and painted everything”.

The shop assistant does not know whether the state leader will come to her shop. However, she says she is not going to talk to him or to ask something although she has a lot to say”.

Shop assistant: “Oh, no! I need to work till retirement. I'd better keep silence. I don't speak up now as I need to work till retirement, and when I retire, no one will listen to me anymore”.

The head of Yareuski rural council Pavel Skrydleuski has explained why they don't want to show white-headed calves to the President.

Pavel Skrydleuski: “Our household specializes in pedigree cow breeds. Calves which look like this are not pedigree. Thus, we ordered to take these calves to other farms, as this farm was constructed for a high-productive herd, therefore, there should be a high-productive herd”.

According to Pavel Skrydleuski, they fulfilled all the orders of the district executive committee in time. However, even the local head does not the exact date of the President's arrival. He also does not know who will greet the President with bread and salt. He says he would gladly do it himself, but the initiative is most likely to be taken by the district administration.