UCP do not exclude that Dzmitryeu might try to stay in party

8 members of the UCP's Minsk city branch out of 10 voted for Andrej Dzmitryeu's expel from the party, 1 abstained and one voted against. However, head of the Minsk branch Anatol Paulau thinks that Dzmitryeu will appeal against this decision.

Anatol Paulau: "He has a right, according to our Charter, to appeal to the Revision Commission and it will check whether we were justified in our decision or not. I have no doubts that this is exactly what he will do - he will continue this fuss".

Let us remind you, the session of the United Civil Party's Minsk city council took place late at night on January 10. Member of the National Committee and head of the UCP's International Commission Andrej Dzmitryeu was expelled from the party for "causing political harm to the party". He is accused of failure to work for the party's candidate Yaraslau Ramanchuk during the presidential campaign - Andrej Dzmitryeu was a head of the "Tell the Truth" leader Uladzimir Nyaklyaeu's electoral HQ then.