Travel banned may dispute “black list” in Strasbourg

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You can be forbidden to leave the state only if it is indicated in the law or according to a court’s decision, explains Allyaksei Byahun, head of the Citizenship and Migration Department.

“Everything is indicated in the Law on restriction of the right to leave the country. Without a court’s decision or the law, there can be no restrictions”.

TUT.BY informs that the Belarusian authorities may forbid the people who urged to impose sanctions on the regime to leave the state. The portal refers to a source close to the government.  It is said that there are 108 names on the list. Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has confirmed to Euroradio that a list of travel banned people may be created in theory.

Andrei Savinyh: "I think that all the rumours you have heard about the number and persons are mere rumours”.

Euroradio: "Can such a list be created in theory?”

Andrei Savinyh: "Naturally, it may be created in response”.

If the list is created, the names will not be published, added the press secretary of the Foreign Office. He said that all the information that had already appeared was a provocation.

Andrei Savinyh: "These are only rumours and they look like a provocation. Probably, some volunteers have appeared – but we do not need their help”.

“They seem to be confused, - commented human rights defender Harry Pahanyaila to Euroradio. – There are laws indicating the cases when a person may be forbidden to go abroad. For example, if you have not cleared your liabilities or possess top secret information, you may be forbidden to go abroad for 5 years…”

According to the human rights defender, the existence of such a list would violate the law.

Harry Pahanyaila: “If the decision is taken on legal ground, it will be a legal act contradicting the Constitution. Even if they forbid a person to leave the state on the administrative level, it will be a law violation”.

Standing upon your rights, you may reach… the European Court of Human Rights. If you manage to leave the state…