President's administration consults with roofer on metro security

The traffic prosecution continues to clarify how the Russian photographers-roofers managed to enter Minsk metro at night. They still doubt that their way went through the iron doors in the brick wall which separates the metro which is in use now with the one still under construction.

Deputy Head of the legacy supervision department of the traffic prosecution Pyotr Dzihilevich has shared his doubts in this regard with Euroradio.

Pyotr Dzihilevich: “This window (the doors in the brick wall - Euroradio) is closed with a metallic sheet, 3 mm thick! - and a lock like this hangs there. And this lock is not from here (from the side of the new stations which are under construction - Euroradio), but from there - from the station in use. As the tearing goes from the station in use. When they arrived there they could only see the open space like this, blocked with a metallic sheet”. 

However, representatives of the prosecution do not exclude that this metallic sheet could have moved "on hinges" in some way. They even do not exclude that the metro employees could have forgotten to place a lock on the doors on that very day. However, according to first deputy of the Belarusian traffic prosecutor Dzmitry Pyatkevich, the metro employees claim that this is impossible, that someone is trying to set them up.

Euroradio has told scandalous roofer-photographer Vital Raskalau about the doubts of the Belarusian prosecution.

Vital Raskalau: “We just came there and everything was ready - it was all open. The lock was hanging at the doors, but when we approached closer, the doors themselves were slightly twisted, which surprised us a lot, and we could stuff our heads into the hole, which means, the whole body could also get through it”.

The traffic prosecution officials suspect the bloggers in having faked the picture of the train moving along the tunnel. Deputy Head of the legacy supervision department of the traffic prosecution Pyotr Dzihilevich show the picture of that very place to Euroradio's journalist - some details do not match.

Pyotr Dzihilevich: “I don't believe that he took a picture there, that he was in this very dead end. Something lies here, something reflects here at the level of these ties, these railings (shows the roofers' picture - Euroradio). And here (shows his own picture - Euroradio), there is only one railing. I was in this dead end: when a train arrives the railing is under a high voltage, this is a serious life threat. The voltage in this contact railing is 850 thousand Volts - a man can die on the spot immediately”.

However, he admits that he is not a great specialist in photography and asked Euroradio to clarify with Vital Raskalau how he took that picture. He refused to provide his own pictures for comparison.

The youngster did not object to giving a consultation.

Vital Raskalau: “I did not come out to the railings. I was standing under the traffic lights - I mounted a tripod under the traffic lights and took a picture, with special lenses - about 50 mm, or maybe 150”.

The prosecution had no more questions to the roofers. However, the President's administration had some. According to Euroradio's information, they also called Vital.

Vital Raskalau: “A man called me, introduced himself as Artsyom, joked a lot. Frankly speaking, I never expected a call from the President's administration, and never thought they could be so nice. They wanted to know how to get there and I told them everything”.

The official of the President's administration consulted with the blogger on where to put motion sensors in Minsk metro. They did not ask to come and show, and Vital wouldn't come in any case.

Vital Raskalau : “Even if they asked me, I would not come to Minsk anymore! I am not afraid of anything, it's just Minsk is closed for us. We've climbed it all over”.

However, having contemplated on it a bit, he added that he might come again in some 1-1,5 years.

Vital Raskalau : “No, climbing onto the President's administration, this is, frankly speaking... But climbing onto the House of Government is absolutely real. However, we had not enough time to do this on our first visit”.

It turned out that Vital watched the reaction to their trip to Minsk carefully. He is offended by the words of Minsk Mayor. He says they broke no locks, no windows, and committed no administrative offences. If they violated anything, it was the prohibition "to enter the guarded object". He also adds that everything is good in Minsk with regard to guarding of the regime objects.