Less than half blast victims received assistance

15 people were killed and 157 were taken to hospital at a result of the explosion at “October” metro station. On the whole, 204 people were affected by the blast. Minsk City Executive Committee decided to render financial assistance to all the victims on April 12.  


According to the capital authorities, the families of those who were killed will get 35 million rubles. People who received severe bodily injuries will get 3.5 millions, light injuries – 1.75 millions and those with minor injuries will receive 700 thousands.


Zhanna Ramanovich, head of the material assistance committee created for the blast victims, says that almost all the families of the killed people have already received the money.


Zhanna Ramanovich: “The commission is considering 308 applications. The families of the killed people have already received financial assistance. The only exception is Illin’s family – he died on May 25.”


However, his relatives will receive the money one of these days. 


Euroradio has found out that the sum has not been recalculated in connection with the devaluation: the standard rate has not changed. That is why Tatstsyana Zaharkova’s family received 35 millions – as it was promised right after the tragedy. Tatstsyana’s sister Volha has informed about it.


Volha: “We received the promised 35 millions”.


According to Zhanna Ramanovich, only 110 out of the 308 applications have been considered.


Zhanna Ramanovіch: “More than 110 applications have been considered. The payments are made according to the conclusions made by forensic experts. The sum depends on them too. The commission holds meeting on Tuesdays and Fridays. We consider every application we receive within three days”.


About 20 people are still in Minsk hospitals now. Four of them are in a satisfactory condition and 16 people are progressing well.


Journalist Mikalai Illyushenka received serious leg injuries and has to use a wheel-chair. He is still in hospital. However, he has told Euroradio that social workers found him and collected all the needed documents for him.


Mіkalai Іlyushenka: “Social workers found me themselves. Employees of the City Executive Committee came here, established an account for me and gave me all the documents. However, I will have to send an application to “Belarusbank”. But I cannot walk, I have to use a wheel-chair and you cannot walk far on crutches. Thus, I have not received anything yet”.


Yet, it only concerns the money allocated by Minsk City Executive Committee from the city budget. Meanwhile, a charity account has been created too. It is said that the account balance is about 5 billion rubles. But Zhanna Ramanovich does not know when and who will be able to receive the money.


Zhanna Ramanovich: “This money is still being accumulated there. Minsk City Executive Committee will have to create a commission that will deal with the distribution of the money. The money sent to certain people will be transferred to the accounts of the mentioned citizens”.


Meanwhile, some money was raised during the subbotnik in Minsk on April 16. It was also informed that the victims will receive about 7 billion rubles. However, Zhanna Ramanovich has assured us that she does not know anything about this money – she does not know where and on what account it is and what has happened to it.



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