Law "On Special Services" not adopted by Parliament yet

Several days ago Euroradio informed that the draft bill on special services had been adopted by the MPs, with a reference to deputy head of the Constant Commission on agrarian issues Uladzimir Mayorau. However, it turned out that the MP mixed up the laws a bit during our conversation.

Uladzimir Mayorau: “I didn't mean this law (the draft bill "On including amendments and additions into the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On state security authorities of the Republic of Belarus"  - Euroradio), I meant the law "On Mass Events", I am so sorry! I was under the impression of the draft bill which we discussed and adopted recently, "On Mass Events", it also contains some passages which concern authorizations of the special services. This is why I said so... Like they say, I was simply thinking of something else. In fact, we have the documents but it is not really a law yet”.

Besides, the National legal Internet-portal of Belarus published the draft bill "On including amendments and additions into the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On state security authorities of the Republic of Belarus", and stated that this draft bill was allegedly adopted by the members of the House of Representatives and supported by the senators of the Council of Republic. However, it turned out that this publication was supposed "to be updated" and it shouldn't have been referred to.

National legal Internet-portal: “When a draft bill is adopted by the House of Representatives or supported by the Council of Republic, there is a date indicated on it. When this draft bill is adopted by the House of Representative, it will come to us with this field being filled in".

According to MP Uladzimir Mayorau, the MPs returned from their electoral districts on October 17, and their work in the Parliament started. Maybe today it will become known when the MPs will consider the draft bill on special services.

Uladzimir Mayorau: “The week has started (working week in the Parliament - Euroradio), we worked in the districts for a week before this. So, maybe it will be known this afternoon".

Euroradio: “You mean, that it will be known when this draft bill will be considered?”

Uladzimir Mayorau: “Yes. We are planning everything”.

He has assured that the law on special services will be certainly adopted by the MPs by the end of this session, as it is being actively discussed in the commissions now. The session will last till the end of December.

Euroradio asked whether journalists would be admitted to the session at which this draft bill would be adopted.

Uladzimir Mayorau: “Journalists attend almost all our sessions, but I cannot tell you anything about this session in particular - this is not in my competence".

Head of the Administration for informational-analytical work Mikalaj Lis has informed, in his turn, that MPs can take the decision whether to admit journalists to their sessions or not. No one can tell beforehand in which regime the draft bill on special services will be considered.
