Independent media presented only by a flash-mob at press exhibition

Journalists of "Nasha Niva" and "Narodnaya Volya", representatives of the Belarusian Association of Journalists and ordinary readers conducted a flash-mob action on May 4 during festive opening of the XV exhibition "Mass Media in Belarus".

At first they read "Narodnaya Volya" and "Nasha Niva" near the entrance to the exhibition hall, and then  - inside, near the place where the Minister of Information Aleh Praliaskouski and the first deputy head of the Presidential Administration Aliaksandr Radzkou held their greeting speeches.

This action did not prevent Radzkou from reading out the President's message to the exhibition. Besides, the President's message contradicted the journalists' one.

Aliaksandr Radzkou: “The exhibition "Mass Media in Belarus" is an effective way of consolidation of professional community, of steering the mood for competition and creativity. It facilitates exchange of original ideas and experience. I am sure that this exhibition will help to solve actual tasks which the Belarusian media are facing”.

Let us remind you, two independent newspapers - "Narodnaya Volya" and "Nasha Niva" - found out that the Ministry of Information had filed a claim to close them to the Supreme Economic Court.

The Minister of Information Aleh Praliaskouski spoke after Radzkou.

Aleh Praliaskouski: “The Ministry of Information and the Presidential Administration want to provide as many opportunities and grounds for your professional relations as possible. We want to show that we welcome everyone who write about our country honestly and objectively, about the successes and the problems, as everyone has problems”, – said the Minister, trying to avoid looking at the people who were standing there holding "Narodnaya Volya" and "Nasha Niva".

After the festive opening Radzkou and Praliaskouski went to see the exhibition. At this moment, journalists of "Nasha Niva" and "Narodnaya Volya" surrounded the first deputy head of the Presidential Administration. The Deputy Editor-in-Chief of "Narodnaya Volya" Maryna Koktysh asked the official's opinion with regard to the situation with their newspapers.

Aliaksandr Radzkou: “The Minister of Information is an authprized representative of mass media. You need to negotiate with him. Follow the legislation and everything be allright!”

Maryna Koktysh: “We are working withing the framework of legislation!”

Aliaksandr Radzkou: “Well, do your best to work like this then, and you will work”.

Maryna says that the conversation with the Minister of information was also a failure.

Maryna Koktysh: “I asked him whether he would be ashamed when two independent newspapers - "Nasha Niva" and "Narodnaya Volya" - are closed. He said he wouldn't be ashamed as this was his position and he only performed his duties”.

Photo by: Zmitser Lukashuk