House of Representatives' press-center: Protocol of session is unavailable

It became known on Wednesday that amendments to the laws on political parties and public associations had been introduced in Belarus. Moreover, everything was done secretly. According to these amendments, receipt of finance from abroad by a public association will be considered a crime. Punishment for urging people to take part in a non-sanctioned mass event, and for organization thereof, will be much more brutal.

Euroradio decided to find out how these amendments were adopted, whether anyone voted against. However, it turned out that the MPs adopted the amendments secretly, even their own press-center knew nothing on that. Head of the Administration for informational-analytical work Mikalaj Lis has said this.

Mikalaj Lis: “I cannot tell you anything as we had no access to this draft bill. It was a closed session of the House of Representatives, and we are not authorized to see these documents”.

According to him, employees of the House of Representatives' press-center cannot even see the protocol of the session which states how many people voted "for", how many people voted "against" and how many of them refrained.