Dietitian: Nostalgia for meat can make Belarusians aggressive

“If you miss the taste of meat, you lack something and aggression appears. But this aggression is not physical, it is psychological – I live in such conditions now, I’m trying to survive and I cannot afford my favourite meals”, - dietician of the medical centre “aesthetics-Service” Ina Razhok has commented on the changes in Belarusians’ life in an interview with Euroradio.
There is nothing irreplaceable. You can easily replace pork and beef if you do not want to queue for many hours or just cannot afford meat.
“Meat is a valuable product providing us with animal protein and people need it. However, there can be alternatives in a situation of deficit. Dairy products. Cheese and curd. It may be eggs, I mean egg-white that is easily assimilated and some other animal proteins. Seafood”.

Frankly speaking, seafood is not a good alternative for Belarusians. According to the dietician, you can even use green fodder. The proteins humans need can be found in it. However, not all of them. But you will be able to survive longer.
“There are vegetable proteins. We also need them. They cannot replace animal proteins, however, they provide us with amino acids that take part in the construction of proteins in the human body”.
So, we will survive. However, we will not be healthy even if we reach the pre-crisis level. Euroradio has asked the dietician whether the food in the basket of goods corresponds to normal living conditions.
“From the medical point of view, it doesn’t. We can survive. However, your body will indicate that you lived in bad conditions and your food was of low quality. It will result in health problems. You should understand that Belarusians’ health index is low. The live interval is short. It is one of the reasons for it all”.

It means that you should not listen to officials’ recommendations and eat what you like. Including meat.