BPF Party to struggle for Minsk Office in court

Whether the party is going to keep its office in the centre of the capital or not will become clear by the end of February. The deputy head of the BPF Party, former presidential candidate Ryhor Kastusyou, has informed Euroradio about it. Kastusyou: "We are going to struggle for the office until the end – in court and with the help of other means. We are already defending the office and have sent certain documents here and there. We are preparing more and will also send them. As far as I can see, the chance of keeping or leaving the office is fifty-fifty. I think the situation will become more or less clear by the end of the month”. At the same time, Ryhor Kastusyou is looking for new offices now. However, he has not met any owners of suitable offices yet. So it is not clear how the owners will react to the idea of leasing an office to an opposition party. Let us remind you that the leasing contract for the office situated in Masherau Street, 8 will expire on April 1. The administration of the housing and communal services of Soviet District of Minsk has already claimed that it is not going to prolong the contract with the BPF Party. However, it is not going to lease the office either – it will use it. Photo by: narodny.org