Alexander Rahr: Conflict for no reason

In the opinion of Alexander Rahr, director of Berthold Beite Centre of the German Council on Foreign Relations, there have been no reasons for the conflict besides the different approach to democratic values. Furthermore, it has not happened for the first time and the Ambassadors will return to Minsk soon.

Alexander Rahr: “I do not think that there will be any special outcome of the conflict. Europeans will take a break in the relations with Belarus and if Belarus does not make any constructive steps, the Ambassadors will return to Belarus within the next few weeks or month”.

The European Union is not interested in stirring up the conflict. If the Ambassadors do not return to Minsk, Belarus will be folded in Russia’s arms. And Europe does not want it at all.

More details of Euroradio’s interviews with Alexander Rahr and other foreign experts coming on our website soon.