Ales' Mіhalevіch describes tortures in KGB prison

Ex-candidate Ales Mihalevich has informed Euroradio that he was tortured in the KGB prison. He has also said that he was released on recognizance on condition that he agreed to cooperate with KGB. "I wanted to spend some time with my family, to look around and to get more information when I was released from the KGB detention centre, - said Mihalevich. – I was absolutely sure that I would make a statement about the things that had happened to me there. I signed the cooperation agreement on purpose because it was the only way to leave the KGB detention centre. I signed it to describe all the brutality, all the tortures, the physical and psychological pressure exercised on prisoners in the detention centre of the State Security Committee”. According to Mihalevich, the KGB detention centre has been turned into “a concentration camp” in the centre of Minsk. “On the fourth day of my imprisonment people in camouflage without tokens appeared there, they were not employees of the detention centre. They started controlling the process of walking prisoners to interrogations. They made us enter a big room in the basement, undressed us and made us do the splits naked… They broke our legs – they made us move them apart so we actually did the splits. The ligaments ached terribly. They made us stand a meter or a meter and a half away from the wall so that our arms would become swollen and we stood like that for 40 minutes”, - added the former Belarusian presidential candidate.