Political parties and movements in Belarus

The Central Election Commission describes as 'not very realistic' the idea of Liberal Democratic Party to hold the election in the spring of 2015.

An activist with the opposition Social Democratic Party was detained when collecting signatures for People's Referendum in Mahilou.

The leader of the United Civil Party comments on the agreement signed by the heads of the two parties’ affiliates in Minsk region.

15 organizations have refused the oppositionists. The congress is supposed to be held on May 31, UCP leader Anatol Lyabedzka told Euroradio.

Co-chairperson of the BCD steering committee Heorhi Dzimtruk and BCD coordinator in Brest Province Zmitser Shurhai have reported the detention.

Minsk's Savecki District Court cancels the decision of the district police department to award a fine to the opposition leader.

Minsk Partisan District Court has pronounced this sentence to the activist of the United Civil Party.

All of them are members of opposition Belarusian Popular Front from Brest.

Opposition United Civil Party decides not to test-run primaries on Local Election Day, March 23.