Opposition politician visits President's Office over independence celebrations

Belarusian Popular Front leader Ryhor Kastusyou. Photo: Euroradio
Belarusian Popular Front leader Ryhor Kastusyou. Photo: Euroradio

Belarusian Popular Front Party leader Ryhor Kastusyou brought his suggestions of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Belarusian People’s Republic (BNR) to the President’s Administration on December 14, nn.by reports.  

The politician went there together with painter Mikola Kupava. They met with the head of the main ideological department at the Administration Alyaksandr Ilyasevich. Kastusyou said he had asked for a meeting by e-mail and phone for a long time.

"We brought 7 and a half sheets of paper filled with suggestions about the March 25 celebration: the installation of memory tablets on the houses associated with the BNR, a joint celebration of the independent society and the government, joint political meetings dedicated to the BNR at enterprises and many other things,” the BPF Party leader said.

The representative of the Administration looked interested during the meeting and asked a lot of questions, Kastusyou said. "The events of this year’s March 25 when people were dispersed in the centre of the city must not be repeated. The meeting took about an hour,” Kastusyou added.  

Ilyasevich is going to show Kastusyou and Kupava’s suggestions to the head of the Administration – Natallya Kachanava. The officials have promised to reply within 14 days.

Kastusyou has also sent the suggestions to the Council of Ministers and Minsk City Executive Committee. Suggestions for the MFA, Ministry of Culture, Academy of Sciences and other state structures are also being prepared.