Government cuts funding for Kupala Theater reconstruction

Theater director goes for an appointment with culture minister Pavel Latushka. The government has decided to cut the funding for some of the so called "non-priority" state programs. Under the recently passed national budget, the Program of Reconstruction of State-Owned Theaters in Belarus in 2004-2010 was also affected. This year, this program will be financed by Br520,100,000 less than initially planned.

Euroradio explores how this will affect the schedule of the reconstructin of the country's main theater -- Yanka Kupala National Academic Theater.

But theater's general director Pavel Paliakou admitted to Euroradio that he has no clear information in this regard. That's why he will have an appointment with culture minister Pavel Latushka.

Pavel Paliakou: “It is hard to say because I don't not exactly if the cuts will afect Kupala Theater. I will have a meeting today with the new minister, and I think he will answer these questions. At least, the project documents are being prepared now according to the schedule. So far, I have no precautions”.

Liudmila Ivanova, the reconstruction project director, knows nothing about it yet, either.

The reconstruction of the Kupala Theater was planned back in 2004. It was expected to finish the project in 2008. But even in early 2009 there were debates about the outlook of the building after the reconstruction. Five years ago, the project budget was valued at Br3,500,000 in the prices of 1991. No one can calculate now how much it will cost in "today's" money.
