Extracorporal fertilization procedure to be forbidden for women older than 49

It is possible that extracorporal fertilization procedure will be legally forbidden in Belarus for women older than 49, informs BELTA. The bill project on assisted reproductive technologies and protection of citizen's rights while implementation thereof, has been elaborated for the first time. Specialists and legislators consider that prohibition of extracorporal fertilization for elderly mothers does not contradict human rights. According to the Belarusian Constitution, the State can limit the rights of a person in the interests of protection of morality, health, rights and freedoms of other people. It is risky to give birth to a child after 49: such mother can fail to bring him up, and the baby is unlikely to be absolutely healthy.

Apart from that, the new bill project will normalize issues connected with surrogate mothers. For instance, it is considered that only a married woman with her own child can be a surrogate mother. The only exception is when an unmarried woman agrees to give birth to her sister's child.