Euroradio’s election forecast is 94.5% true

Прагноз Еўрарадыё на вынікі парламенцкіх выбараў спраўдзіўся на 94,5%

The registration of parliamentary candidates ended on August 1. The election was appointed for September 11. The CEC published the list of candidates on its website and Euroradio decided to predict the election results with the help of professional intuition and fortunetelling.  

Some of the ‘predicted’ candidates decided to withdraw. Two oppositionists and Cossack Ulahovich have been elected MPs. Rower Bahdanovich has defeated MP Mikalai Kautunou.

As a result, our forecast made a month ago is 94.5% true. It is 100% true in Hrodna, Homel and Vitebsk Provinces.