Court rejects to recall MP in Zhlobin

The court in the city of Zhlobin threw out the lawsuit of the local district council of deputies which sought to recall Nina Kabernik, the local member of the Belarusian parliament. UCP activist Marat Afanasyeu said that the court proceedings had taken place for two day, with single motherd, invalids, labor veterans and parents of students attending. Judge Tamara Khalyauskaya ruled to reject the complaint.

155 residents of the Zhlobin district signed to recall MP Nina Kabernik. The procudure requires at least 150 signatures. However, Vital Baykachou from the local twon hall demanded that his staff have a talk with the dissent. Upon such "conversations", several people denounced their signatures in writing, reports the press service of the United Civic Party.

Judge Tamara Khalyauskaya rejected the motion, because there were only 145 signatures, the number not enough to recall a lawmaker.