Tacciana Karatkevich at a roundtable meeting in parliament - photo

Фотафакт: Таццяна Караткевіч засядае ў парламенце

The House of Representatives on May 18 hosted a roundtable meeting on electoral law standards organized by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

The list of participants includes representatives of PACE, Venice Commission, OSCE, European Parliament. Belarus is represented by members of the House of Representatives, diplomats from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and officials from Central Election Commission (CEC). Lidziya Yarmoshyna, the chair of CEC, also took part.

Andrea Rigoni, Special Rapporteur on Belarus at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, said they came to Belarus not as censors to lecture but as people who wished to give useful advices.

The former presidential candidate Tacciana Karatkevich also attended the meeting. It was not immediately clear who had invited her - Belarusians or European, but she was sitting along the representatives of the West.