Andrzej Poczobut released from court hall

Soon on Euroradio - Andrzej Poczobut's first interview after release.

14:30. 7 people have entered the court hall to hear the sentence to Andrzej Poczobut. Among them there are his wife, mother and Godfather, and the head of the Union of Poles Angelica Orechwo.  No journalists have been let in. Even when they've tried to walk as persons, using their passports, the guards politely said they were journalists, thus, not allowed to go to a closed trial. The Council of the Republic of Poland has not been admitted either as "it is not a Polish citizen who is under trial".

A court trial against journalist Andrzej Poczobut was resumed in Hordna. He was delivered to the court yard at about 10.15. The driveway was blocked by police cars so the people who had come there to support Andrzej could not see him.

Eye-witnesses inform that police tried to detain photographer Siarhej Hryts before the trial, but his colleagues managed to "fight him back".

Several minutes later Andrzej Poczobut held his final speech. It took no more than 2 minutes. He did not admit guilt.

Andrzej Poczobut's lawyers informed that the sentence would be pronounced at 14.30 on July 5. It is unknown yet whether pronouncement of the sentence will be open.

Let us remind you, the trial against the journalist started 3 weeks ago, on June 14. He has spent more than 3 months in prison by now.