Lukashenka’s opponents discussed near pickets in his support: Hancharou and

The collection of signatures for presidential contenders is almost over. However, Minskers cannot recall the contenders’ names quite often. Expect for one. ERB has asked Alyaksandr Lukashenka’s adherents near pickets in his support what other candidates they know.

Woman: There are three candidates at Kupala station: Hancharou, Ivanou…
Guy: Sіtnіkau...
Another woman: Ausyannіkau!
ERB: But there are no names like these. Can you name at least one?
Guy: I don’t care! I know one candidate – Lukashenka, why would I need the others

Alyaksandr Lukashenka’s adherents predict a gloomy future if the President suddenly leaves.

Woman: If he leaves, we’ve had it! There will be such a chaos that you cannot even image it!”
ERB: Have you studied the other candidates’ programmers?
Woman: We have! This is all idle talk!
Another woman: I asked a fellow-worker for whom he would vote. He said: “I have no choice, only Lukashenka. I have been to other states and saw what was happening, how people got suppressed and killed”.

At the same time, adherents of Lukashenka’s opponents do not believe in changes after the elections.

ERB has asked a guy who is going to give his signature to all the candidates but Lukashenka whether he believes in changes.

Guy: Naturally, I don’t. I do not expect a fair victory of one of the candidates.

Many older people share the same opinion.

Woman: I do not expect any changes. I know who will win so I do not believe in changes at all.
Another woman: I wish I could believe, but I’m a realist.

Photo: a picket in support of Alyaksandr Lukashenka