Deputy: Anti-crisis law?! Ever heard of one?

Deputies “carpeted” representatives of the government at the end of the previous week and demanded answers to vexed questions. At the same time, the deputies did not offer any help to the government.

Euroradio asked a member of the commission responsible for the monetary and credit policy and the banking of the House of Representatives, Tamara Klyaban, why deputies could not offer something like “an anti-crisis law”. And make suggestions about burning issues.

Tamara Klyaban: “Anti-crisis law? Have you ever heard of one in any state? I have never heard of such an expression before! The government and the National Bank should solve the problems. It is their primary task. We cannot substitute their functions! It would be wrong if MPs substituted the functions of ministries and institutions”.

However, she confessed that members of the commission were discussing the situation in the country. She added that drafts concerning economic stabilization were being considered.

Tamara Klyaban: “Of course, we are discussing the situation (financial and economic problems – Euroradio). There are several drafts we are working on. To be precise, we are preparing some drafts. They also concern the equity market - it is very important. They concern insurance and the Banking Code. We are discussing these issues now”.

The deputy said that she made reports about interesting ideas on how to improve the situation “to the higher echelon”. However, she could not recall any of the suggestions she had informed Myasnikovich or Prakapovich about.

A member of the standing commission on international affairs and CIS relations, Valyantsina Luzina, was embarrassed by the question about “anti-crisis initiatives”. She said that she had not heard any of her colleagues suggest any legislative measures.

Valyantsіna Luzіna: “I have not heard about it. Every commission is working hard on the issue now. And there are many problems in the districts. That is why... However, I understand that the problem of economic development should bother all of us”.

The website of the House of Representatives informs that deputies will work in commissions all days expect for the day they have to work in the districts. They will hold a joint meeting with members of the Council of the Republic on June 30. They will ask vexing questions to the government again. The website does not inform whether deputies are planning to work on some of their suggestions by that time. And journalists can ask questions to Ministers equally well.