Characters of "Big Bang Theory" to speak Belarusian

Author of the idea of Belarusization of the world cinema Yauhen Yautushenka has said the following:

"We are translating from Russian, but we do not use the version of Courage-Bombay. We also add some of our own ideas to the translation".

A minigroup which consists of Yauhen Yautushenka and his friend is working on the Belarusization of the "Big Bang Theory". The guys are trying to translate the series by themselves. So far, the video which is available at the page of the initiative group in the social network contains many shortcomings and mistakes and the first viewers criticize them for this. However, the youngsters promise that the beta-version will soon be improved till perfect quality in HD, and the characters of the "Big Bang Theory" will speak Belarusian.
