Putin, Nazarbayev: Eurasian Economic Union Agreement ready to be signed

The Eurasian Economic Union Agreement will be in the centre of attention. Lukashenka criticized the agreement before departure. Belarus’ partners used to promise different terms without any customs exceptions, he said.  It is not clear whether he has already negotiated with Putin. BELTA quotes Lukashenka: “Belarus does not demand any concessions in the Eurasian integration; the country enjoys equal rights together with Russia and Kazakhstan.”

The document ‘is ready to be signed’, the Russian President claimed at the meeting of the Higher Eurasian Economic Council today. “The Eurasian Economic Union will use universal transparent principles corresponding to the norms and principles of the World Trade Organization”, RIA Novosti quotes Vladimir Putin.

Kazakhstani President Nursultan Nazarbayev is ready to sign the agreement and it ‘satisfies all the sides’. The document ‘is historically important for the future of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan,’ Nazarbayev noted.

Photo: ria.ru