Nyaklyayeu’s wife receives phone call from Radoslaw Sikorski

The Foreign Minister of Poland Radoslaw Sikorski has phoned the wife of a presidential candidate Uladzimir Nyaklyayeu, Volha, to express his support today. The Minister has promised to do everything possible to release all the detained candidates. Nyaklyayeva: "He phoned me and expressed his indignation about the whole situation and said that they would demand to release all the candidates as soon as possible. They will send appeals to the European Parliament and other structures”.  

According to Volha, the conversation took only a few minutes. However, she is hoping that the European politicians’ position may affect the fate of the presidential candidates imprisoned in the KGB detention centre in a positive way. Let us remind you that they are accused of the organization of mass disorders in Minsk on December 19 and they may be jailed for up to 15 years for it.