Hillary Clinton to award Nasta Palazhanka for bravery

10 women of the world are to be awarded for outstanding bravery.

This prize will be awarded to a Belarusian – a 20-year-old “Young Front” Vice-Chairperson Nasta Palazhanka – for the first time since it was established in 2007. 38 women were awarded during these years. 

The prize will be handed on the International Women’s Day in the presence of many high-ranked U.S. officials, with participation of a special guest – the U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama

Unfortunately, Nasta Palazhanka is now under a non-leave obligation so she will not be able to attend the ceremony personally in Washington. However, the prize will be delivered to Minsk and handed to her in festive circumstances. The time and date of the ceremony in Minsk will be reported later. Meanwhile, Nasta Palazhanka’s speech will be read out in Washington. 

“I was very surprised to find out about this prize. When I realized the level of it, naturally, I was pleased. I was pleased not because of such an attention to my personality, but because there is so much attention to our situation and our problem. I think that when this prize goes to me, it in fact goes to every “Young Front” activist, every guy or girl who dream to live in a free Belarus, blessed by God, and sacrifice themselves to achieve this aim”, - Nasta Palazhanka has said. 

President of the Kyrgyz Republic Roza Otunbayeva, a journalist from Cameroon Henriette Ekwe EbongoMarisela Morales Ibaсez, Deputy Attorney General for Special Investigations against Organized Crime (Mexico) and other decent women of the world will be awarded along with Nasta Palazhanka. 

Besides, Nasta Palazhanka is not the only nominee for the prize who will not be able to go to Washington – a journalist Yoani Sanchez from Cuba also does not have such an opportunity, mfront.net informs.