FBS explains introduction of border regime at Belarusian border

ФСБ патлумачыла мэты стварэння памежнай зоны на мяжы з Беларуссю

The Russian FSB public relations centre has explained the introduction of the border regime at the Belarusian border (in Bryansk, Smolensk and Pskov Oblasts).   It has been done to prevent illegal migration, drug trafficking and smuggling.

The innovation does not contradict Belarus-Russia international agreements and imposes no restriction of people crossing the border, FSB noted. “The introduction of the border regime will not apply to vehicles, cargoes, goods and animals. No checkpoints will be accreted at the Russian Federation state border,” TASS quotes the Federal Security Service.

Russian introduced the border area regime at the Belarusian border on February 7, Euroradio reported.