Expert: Gas price for Belarus is political

Belarus first deputy prime minister Uladzimir Semashka has voiced the price of the Russian gas for Belarus in the first quarter of 2009. Since early this year, we have been paying $210 per 1000 cubic meters. Effective from April 1, 2009, the price should not exceed $160.  Towards the end of the year, the price could have become even less, economist Leanid Zaika told the European Radio for Belarus:

“If oil prices continue to drop -- and this is very likely because of production downturn in the world economy -- a lower price of the Russian, Norwegian, Arabic oil should logically be expected…”.

In the view of the economist, the voiced price is quite low. It is rather a political price which reflects good relations between Belarus and Russia.

“This price is not justified economically. This is a political price which is a demonstration to Ukraine, Europe. It shows that the price will depend on how a country behaves in its relations with Russia”.

The price of the Russian gas for Belarus remained a secret up to today.