Belarusians second largest group of foreigners in Lithuania

Belarusians in Lithuania /
Belarusians in Lithuania /

Citizens of Belarus are the second largest group of foreigners in Lithuania, with 48,804 people. Ukrainians come first with 94,891, while Russians are in third place with 15,706, Delfi notes. More than half of Russian citizens have lived in Lithuania for decades. Two-thirds of the Ukrainians came after the beginning of the Russian aggression. Belarusians began to arrive en masse after the start of mass repression in 2020. A recent survey showed 86% left Belarus for political reasons (political refugees included KGB agents).

At the end of last year, there were over 189 thousand foreigners in Lithuania. This is 6.67% of all residents of the country, the highest figure for all years of its independence.

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