Belarus network of toll roads to increase by nearly 70%

Network of toll roads in Belarus will increase to 2 thousand kilometers by 2020. Currently, length of toll roads in the country is 1,189 km. This was announced by head of the main highways department of the Ministry of Transport and Communications, Yauhen Rakala.

This year, the network of toll roads, united by the BelToll system, will be increased by more than 300 kilometers. The electronic system can be launched on the repaired part of the M5 road Zhlobin - Homiel, parts of the P23 road Minsk - Mikashevichy and P21 road Vitsebsk - Russian border, BelTA reports.

BelaPAN adds that the new state program for 2015-2019 aims to reconstruct and build about 1,158 kilometers of national roads and 2,213 meters of bridges and overpasses. By 2020, it is planned to perform overhaul of 1,600 kilometers of national roads.
