Bandarenka: I’m a hostage and I can’t answer all your questions

“Where is my wife?”, - it was the first thing Zmitser Bandarenka said to journalists when he got out of a Mahilyou jitney at Minsk “Eastern” depot. The next question was: “Where is my father?”. He talked to two dozen journalists between buses. The conversation got interrupted a lot – Bandarenka answered his daughter’s phone call and kept hugging his relatives and friends.

About the sudden release.

I listened to Radio Liberty yesterday. They said that Andrei Sannikau had been released. It was really unexpected to be released in the morning; I was calm on my way here. And then I saw you all and got agitated (smiles). I have not adapted yet. I did not expect to be released today. What else can I say? Christ has arisen! It’s in the lap of the gods. This day is a good sign for Belarus. I think that everyone should be released.

As far as I understand, they had to release me yesterday. But the information arrived too late. It was a real surprise. I thought that I would be released the following week, when the ambassadors returned. It was absolutely unexpected. It took about 15 minutes. I arrived here alone. Nobody controlled me.

About prison.

I have been to many places. The attitude in colony #15 was normal. I spend most of the time in the medical department. In ward #9. I have been told today that prisoner Zeltser spent a lot of time in the same ward.

My health condition is quite bad. I cannot comment on pressure in colony. There are rules that all prisoners stick to. The attitude to me was even better than to the others. I think that the administration was relieved to see me walk out of the gate.

About future activities.

I am planning to remain a politician. I will continue my civil activities, I would like the country to be free, I would like it to be a European country. It is not so at the moment. Probably, we all have to do something together.

About KGB’s recruiting.

 I could have been released quickly. They tried recruiting me when I was in KGB prison. They said that I had to give them the website of “Charter’97” and that I could continue working under some control. And they promised to release me. I refused. That is why I stayed there a bit longer.

There was no pressure after I had pled for mercy. They suggested that I should have done it in September but I refused. I would like to say that I am Sannikau’s teammate. He is a friend of mine. I have not experienced even one hundredth of the things he has. If I had known that Andrei had pled for mercy in November, I would have done it in November. If I had known that the plea had to be signed a week before the release, I would have done it. Let me say it again – I have not experienced even one hundredth of the things Sannikau has.

About plans for the future.

I do not know what I will do now. I did not expect so many people to meet me. It is a holiday and I thought that only a few people would come. I am happy to see my wife and father, to talk to my daughter and to hug Andrei (Sannikau) and Ira Halip, to see familiar faces – this is the most important thing.

About feeling like a hostage.

I prepared to serve the whole sentence. I read in “SB” that my plea for mercy had not been written correctly. I’d say more – I do not feel free. I am a hostage and my relatives are hostages too. The other hostages are still in prison. That is why I may not be able to answer all questions within the next few hours and days.